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  • Writer's pictureRenee

Where is Your Perspective?

I heard a statement last weekend while listening to a sermon and it has been on my mind ever since.

Why is it that a pastor or teacher must lead with an apology, or a request to bear with them while they read a lengthy portion of scripture?

Why do most congregations moan at the hearing of a whole chapter of the Bible is going to be read?

This thought has bothered me so much over the last few days. And I’ve pondered a few things about it.

Shouldn't we as Christians rather hear 30 minutes of scripture being read and 10 minutes of man speaking about it, than to complain and moan (even if inwardly) if a sermon has more than a verse or two being read?

Now please do not think I am saying that a pastor/teacher digging deeper into a verse or passage is not good. I truly love when a verse can be opened up to reveal a much deeper meaning than some seem to find on the surface.Those are some of my favorite studies!

All I’m saying is maybe our congregations need to embrace some more of the public reading of scripture. While being present, mentally. I think the blessing of Americans having such free access to the Holy Bible has bred a complacency that makes the reading, whether public or private, commonplace and honestly usually completely lacking in awe and reverence.

Have you ever read or watched a video about how the persecuted Christians in other countries react to, and treasure sometimes only torn tiny pieces of paper that contain scripture? Men and women have died for possessing even one verse. The Bible contains the words and message of our Savior, Holy, Precious and True. And yet we toss it aside on our bed stand, almost always forget to bring it to church, and sigh when someone wants to read a portion.

We have been given a book that contains the words and plans from the God of the universe, our Heavenly Father, the glorious story of how Jesus brought us salvation, and freed us from the shackles of hell. He wants you to know Him and what His will is, and what to expect of your journey here.

Please treasure His words, read them daily with awe that you are even able to hold them in your hands.

1 Timothy 4:13a (KJV)Till I come, give attendance to reading,

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